PHL Rent Assist is now closed. Landlords can visit to apply to participate in the Eviction Diversion Program. Tenants can learn about their rights and responsibilities at

Although PHLRentAssist is closed, the City of Philadelphia understands how difficult it can be for Philadelphians to find safe and affordable housing. Office of Homeless Services (OHS) and PHDC are collaborating to bridge the gap for those that may be able to afford their monthly rental costs but need extra financial support to move.

provides the equivalent of three months of rent for eligible households, and up to a $1,000 stipend for relocation-related costs.

Any household at or below 80% AMI (annual income around $83,000 for a family of three) is eligible to apply.  All applications will be accepted, but priority will be given to households at or below 50% AMI (annual income around $52,000 for a family of three). Interested households can apply by contacting OHS at 215- 686-7175 or [email protected].

provides financial support to cover move-in costs, that ensure residents have a safe and stable place to call home.